June 12, 2015

Pain: how can psychology treatment help?

‘Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage” (International Society for the Study of Pain) Persistent pain is demoralizing and leads to many mental health consequences that can become as problematic as the pain itself. Many people are fearful that when they are referred to a psychologist for “pain management” that the doctor is implying that the pain is ‘all in […]
June 12, 2015

Stress, Trauma and Burnout

Stress is not always negative. Stressful events can include giving birth to a baby, performing a juggling act successfully in front of an audience, or preparing for a long awaited event like a wedding. The most extreme form of negative stress is traumatic stress which refers to a psychobiological reaction to a traumatic event such as a disaster car accident, assault, and surgery etc where there is a threat of loss of life. The fight […]
June 12, 2015

What is the difference between Depression, Stress and Anxiety?

In day-to-day talking with our friends or family, we tend to speak of depression, stress and anxiety as if they are interchangeable or describing the same thing. This is not the case. Part of the reason for coming to see a psychologist, is to sort out whether any of these descriptions fit your experience. It is also important to remember that many people have elements of depression and anxiety and may not have “clinical diagnosis” […]
June 12, 2015

Websites To Visit About Depression and Anxiety

The following websites contain information that you may find helpful in understanding more about depression and anxiety and the sort of help that is available for sufferers. The Black Dog Institute The Black Dog Institute is a not-for-profit, educational, research, clinical and community-oriented facility offering specialist expertise in depression and bipolar disorder. http://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au The Anxiety Disorders Association of Victoria The Anxiety Disorders Association of Victoria is a not-for-profit, self-funded organisation. We provide support, information and […]
June 12, 2015

Bedtime Blues: sleeping and bedtime problems in children

Getting enough sleep is vitally important for the growing child, but for many parents, bedtime can be a battleground. Common sleep problems in young children are: refusal to go to bed, procrastinating, getting up after being put to bed, and waking in the night wanting to sleep in the parents’ bed. These behaviours impact on the child’s physical well being, and can affect learning and behaviour. Parents also feel the impact of interrupted sleep and […]
June 12, 2015

What works in therapy?

Some facts about psychological treatment and psychotherapy: The average treated person is better off than 80% of those without the benefit of treatment. Clinical trials show that psychological treatment is more effective than medication for anxiety and depression in many cases. Therapy works because of general factors present in all types of psychological treatment. The client’s level of engagement or what is known as the therapeutic alliance is the most potent predictor of change in […]
June 12, 2015

A new treatment for pain management

Virtual Reality Therapy (VRT) is now available at Psychology on Parade. VRT has been featured recently on an SBS program entitled The Secret World of Pain which is a BBC documentary that is available until 14th October via SBS On Demand TV. The Secret World of Pain  details recent studies with VRT and burns patients who use VRT to cope with procedural pain e.g. changing dressings daily and physiotherapy after serious burns and scarring. Virtual Reality Therapy […]
June 12, 2015

Virtual Reality Therapy at Psychology on Parade

Virtual Reality Therapy is a new technique in the emerging field of mind-body medicine. Psychology on Parade now offers VRT to clients. VRT is a non-invasive procedure which can be used to manage a number of conditions including chronic pain, PTSD, smoking cessation, weight management, anxiety  and Substance abuse/withdrawal. VRT involves deep relaxation and imagery which is established by wearing 3D goggles and headphones and watching a 20-40 minute program. During a typical VRT session, […]
June 12, 2015

Driving anxiety or driving phobia

Following a motor vehicle accident, many people experience anxiety whilst driving. The anxiety can take the form of avoidance of driving due to various fears and a sense of feeling threatened whilst driving or being driven. Sometimes post-accident people can develop fears of certain types of roads (e.g. the Westgate Bridge or the Tunnel) or certain types of vehicles nearby e.g. trucks even though these were not features of the original accident. Feeling hypervigilant, negative […]
November 19, 2015

Managing Exam Stress

For most students the exam period is among you and it’s likely that you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Over a short period of time stress can aid attention and concentration hence why we think feeling stressed helps get work done. In the long-term however the effect is not so positive and actually counterproductive. In fact as stress accumulates, which is likely to be the case over the exam period, your attention and concentration ability also […]
May 28, 2018

EDMR Therapy at Psychology on Parade

What Is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy? EMDR is a unique, non-traditional form of psychotherapy designed to diminish negative feelings associated with memories of traumatic events. Unlike most forms of talk therapy, EMDR focuses less on the traumatic event itself and more on the disturbing emotions and symptoms that result from the event. Treatment includes a hand motion technique used by the therapist to guide the client’s eye movements from side to side, similar to watching a pendulum swing. Resources […]