June 12, 2015

What works in therapy?

Some facts about psychological treatment and psychotherapy: The average treated person is better off than 80% of those without the benefit of treatment. Clinical trials show that psychological treatment is more effective than medication for anxiety and depression in many cases. Therapy works because of general factors present in all types of psychological treatment. The client’s level of engagement or what is known as the therapeutic alliance is the most potent predictor of change in […]
June 12, 2015

Virtual Reality Therapy at Psychology on Parade

Virtual Reality Therapy is a new technique in the emerging field of mind-body medicine. Psychology on Parade now offers VRT to clients. VRT is a non-invasive procedure which can be used to manage a number of conditions including chronic pain, PTSD, smoking cessation, weight management, anxiety  and Substance abuse/withdrawal. VRT involves deep relaxation and imagery which is established by wearing 3D goggles and headphones and watching a 20-40 minute program. During a typical VRT session, […]